Well done Aileen! 🌟💪
Aileen Mackay's Story
My primary diagnosis was on 21st December 2011 when I was 37. I had surgery in the January followed by chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and then hormone blocking medication. In February 2022 I celebrated being 10 years cancer free (as I thought that was it) by climbing Kilimanjaro to get something positive out of the whole experience and raise some money for charity. Then 5 months later I was devastated to be diagnosed with metastasis in my brain and lung after some right sided weakness. It took a few weeks to get a formal diagnosis and treatment plan. I started further hormone blocking medication in August 2022 and in the September I had a partial lung resection and in October a craniotomy, where both tumours were successfully removed. My routine scans started in January 2023 and I’ve just had a year of clear scans with no evidence of disease, so feeling good and grateful. I’m 50 in April so I’ve decided to celebrate life and my current good health while I can and I’ve signed up to trek to Everest Base Camp in March. I have wanted to trek to Everest Base Camp since I came back from Kilimanjaro and I thought that with my secondary diagnosis my chance was gone. But I want to prove that I’m still me and that my cancer diagnosis doesn’t define me. Also life is too short so grabbing it while I can. I have chosen to raise money for House of Hope as its local (Edinburgh) and something that I have felt was missing for myself and my family during my primary diagnosis and even more so during my secondary diagnosis.
Fundraising complete! Aileen's EBC Challenge Trek has reached 100% of the target!
Almost there! Aileen's EBC Challenge Trek has reached 75% of the target!
At the half way mark! Aileen's EBC Challenge Trek has reached 50% of the target!
Making great progress, Aileen's EBC Challenge Trek has reached 25% of the target!
Aileen's EBC Challenge Trek has received a donation, donate to this cause to help reach the fundraising target!
Aileen Mackay has launched a fundraising campaign, show your support with a donation!